No Prophet

By Mandy Doerr

No prophet is revered in his homeland...

We heard they call you a prophet.
Who are you trying to fool?
We have known you all your life -
We have attended the same sermons -
We have been taught by the same teachers -
How could you possibly know more than us?

We heard they praise you for your wisdom.
Don't they know?
We have played in the same meadows -
We have climbed the same trees -
We have jumped the same streams -
How could you possibly be wiser than us?

We heard they call you divine.
Are they crazy?
We have breathed the same air as you -
We have eaten from the same fields -
We have drunk from the same wells -
How could you possibly be more divine than us?

Don't they know that experts must come from somewhere else?


copyright © 1998, Amanda D. Doerr